5 Red Flags That Could Mean Your Partner Is Trying to Destroy Your Self-Esteem

According to human psychology, self-esteem and self-confidence are two separate things, which plays a major role n everybody's life. We may be very self-confident but still having very low self-esteem, which will not only make us useless, but also an gifted one with no abilities to perform. Lets not leave any opportunity and grab the most of the world, Because we only live once right ? 

There are few major things in life which may affect our self-esteem, one of them which stands out is your relationship, because you take a person into your life and accept to live your rest of the live with them. When we have person who understands us and corporates with us, that's what as a Guy or a Woman one would ever expect in life. Always choose your partners wisely.

1 – Makes choices with an excessive amount of initiative.

2 – Selects images for social network posting without checking if you like them.

3 – Interrupts you in the middle of a conversation.

4 – Having doubts in your choices.

5 – Using derogatory body language (like rolling their eyes).

Last and the important one - Their affection is conditional :

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