Here are 8 Reasons Why People Cheat In Relationships, According To Science!!

Science has effectively gone into the point inside and out on relationship psychology and tried to understand reasons on why and how human behaviors change in course of time . What's more, it ends up, organically talking, individuals are basically wired to be untrustworthy. In case you're dead set on understanding the brain research and reasoning behind submitting infidelity or faithlessness, then here are 8 reasons why people often cheat in relationships :

1. There is emotional distance between you and your partner.
2. Your partner grew up in an environment where cheating is normalized.
3. Your partner got bored in the relationship.
4. Your partner is going through a mid or quarter-life crisis.
5. Your partner wants to sabotage the relationship.
6. Your partner isn’t physically satisfied by you.
7. Your partner is lacking in confidence and self-esteem.
8. Your partner is acting out of vengeance.

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